Sunday, August 20, 2006

Our Baby is leaving

DeeAnna, I apoligize in advance. I don't mean to make you cry. Yesterday we had a going away dinner for Corbyn and it was very emotional for all of us. It is so hard to think of him being old enough to go away to college. He is my oldest nephew and I really feel like we have done a lot of growing up together. I was a young teenager when he was born and I could never get enough of this cutie. I spent as much time at DeeAnna's house as I did at home and Corbyn would share his bed with me. I have been so lucky to spend some of the best times in my life with him so it is very hard to see him grow up. I hope he knows how proud we all are of him and that we wish him the best. (Just don't party too much!) As for you Sis, I am here to talk anytime you need me!


C's Mom said...

It's amazing how fast they grow! Some of my nieces and nephews are now married. I even delivered my niece's baby....and I used to change HER diapers. Funny, I don't feel that old ;0)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything Kimmie!!! YES it was a very rough weekend!!! Just think as mine leave yours well be comming home!!!
Ive been having chest pains for the last couple of weeks, I think it might just be anxiety, or a broken heart!!! Your right, being a young mom and Corbyn my first, we did a lot of growing up together!!! He is truely my best friend!! We have had such a close relationship!!! Im really having a rough one this morning!!! I feel so selfish, looking at him as we pulled away from Western yesterday he was just beeming!!! He is so excited a new adventure to life has begun!! I would never have denied him of that!!! I just pray that he makes good choices and stayes safe!!!! CORBYN is your reading this, I Love you and Miss You!!!
Dee Anna ( MOM )

Pug Mama said...

i have a nephew just like that, it's like he's my own.