Melissa made a challange to show where you blog. This is a picture of me on the couch (notice my leg, I'm still in my scrubs). This is in my family room in front of the TV. Hey, I have to kill 2 birds with one stone. Of course Jack is sitting below me wondering why I would rather look at this stupid screen then play ball. Up on the screen is my Baby Jellybeans site.

This is the other place I go to blog. This is a picture of our office. You can see all the cludder on the desk, boy do I need to clean. The mouse pad is a Cleveland Browns pad (Mike's fav. team even though they aren't any good). On this computer you can see I was checking in on
Lisa to see her latest post.
Jack is so darn cute. That's the danger with the laptop. You can blog ANYWHERE!!!!
I'm lovin' the little Jack face.
Hey, scrubs, don't you just seriously live in those things? I know I do.
I used to love wearing scrubs. I'd come home from work and wouldn't feel the need to get in my PJ's right away. The down side....You can eat large amounts of food and your pants never feel tight!
My "scrubs" are my sweats!! How cute is little Jack? He looks so sweet!!
I need a laptop so I can blog somewhere warm!!! I'm in our cold computer room in our basement and with winter approaching once again, the urge to slurge is also getting bigger!!
Hey Kim,
What's going on? Your doggie is cute and all, but where's your juice.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know?????
Miss Kramer...get with it chickie...I tagged you last week!!!!!!!!!!
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