While I am excited to have eight months behind me I am sad to think about what it means. I know I have told you this before but here I go again! When we started this process we were looking at a six month wait and now, well, who knows!!! I am still happy to have eight months behind us. As I write this we are all anticipating the next batch of referrals. When are they going to be here? When is the cut off date? Why can't the CCAA move faster?? Oh well, I guess all I can do is wait with everyone else.
I also want to give an update on my sisters birthday. I was trying to be nice by not giving her age but she decided to post that she is 38 anyway! Well guess what?! She lost a year! She is actually only 37! Hey DeeAnna, it's one more reason to celebrate!
Congrats on your 8 months LID anniversary! I'm still hoping that the CCAA surprises us with a big ole' batch....I'm sure I'll be super depressed by tomorrow but at least for tonight, there is hope.
Hey, you haven't caught that nasty flu from Melissa yet, have ya? That girl brought something nasty to Chicago & Florida!
Happy 8th!!! Time is a ticking away.... December will be here and done and we will have ONE MORE MONTH under our belts!!! I'm with Lisa... Hoping for a surprise of a blig ole' batch!!!
Happy 8 Month LID-iversary!
Closer and closer everyday...
Keep smilin!
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