Good luck Cougars!
Last week the boys played hard and won. It has been a tough road for them as they have had so many injuries this year. Please just pray for them all to stay safe and healthy tonight. Sorry for a repeat picture, I haven't been good about downloading my pictures. On Saturday morning I went to watch Stevie at her cheer comp. She did so good and her team came in 2nd. She looked so cute and did a fabulous job. They also had another comp on Sunday in Lexington and did great there too! I will post pictures soon. Gage also finished up the last weekend of Peter Pan. Way to go Gage (our Broadway star!)
The week was typical as far as being busy. I hate the end of the year when everyone has met their deductible and wants surgery! I guess at least it means job security for now. It was a very depressing week for my cases. With all of the oncology that I do I always see horrible things but this was a week full of it. I just want to send out special prayers for all of my patients and their families and it is going to make for a very sad holiday season.
Yesterday Mike and I had the day off and went to Cincinnati with Shelley and Mike. We went up to this store that was going out of business that Mike and been invited to. It was so nice of them to take us as we were able to get all of the flooring and most of the appliances for our new house at amazing prices. I am so excited to close on the 1st and see what this place is going to look like.
Today I am just catching up an things, working on our home study update, and preparing for the big game. I can't believe how nervous the we all get. Cross your fingers that I will have good news to report in the morning! Hope everyone has a great weekend and stay warm!
Rough Game!! Thanks for the last 6 years of Friday night bonding! It wouldnt have been the same with out you and mike! Watching Chase wear that uniform for the last time was hard! Ive enjoyed every moment of it! Both the boys always played with such heart! I was so proud to say THOSE ARE MY BOYS! YEAP NUMBER 7 and NUMBER 8, Just as there numbers stood side by side they stood side by side! Im gonna miss it, but yes, Im a proud MOM! And as everyone in the stands has always said, you were the honorary mom, and we stood side by side, hand in hand, sheding tears and sharing smiles for not only 6 years, 2 years of flag, 4 years of grade school, 4 years of high school, with 2 years over laping, that makes a whopping 12 years of FOOTBALL!!! What will be do now! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!
Aunt Dee Anna
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