Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still living in 2006

I keep meaning to take a picture of my locker at work. Why you ask? Everyone in the OR has a locker and just like when we were back in high school we decorate them with personal stuff. When you walk around you see pictures of families, kids, grandkids and friends. On my locker I have 2 photos, one of Jack (my pup) and one of my Kozmo (my kitty) that passed away last year (just can't seem to take it down). The only other thing on my locker is a calendar. Not just any calendar, but a 2006 calendar. I laugh as I think about all the times someone makes a comment about my 2006 calendar. I hear, "hey it is 2007, 2008 and now 2009", "are you ever going to get an updated calendar?" or "are you ever going to take that down?" They have no ideal what that calendar means to me. My response to them is " You may be living in 2009, but I'm still here waiting in 2006!" To this I get lots of smiles and weird looks, but for me this is my daily reminder of how close (and at one point, how far away) we are to getting Emma's referral. Every day I look at the month of March 2006 and my eyes are always drawn to March 29th. I have memorized March, I know how many days are in front of 29th, how many of those are referral days and what day of the week each day falls on. For me this is a sign of hope that one day soon we too will get our referral and see Emma's face for the first time. Until then, that old calendar will stay on my locker to remind me that our time is coming.

Calendar for March 2006 (United States)

| All of year | April>


Phases of the moon: 6:1Q 14:Full 22:3Q 29:New

1 comment:

meme said...

Your time IS coming. I know it is. Stay positive, it is getting so close now. I can't wait to go to China with you and Mike !!!!