Thursday, June 29, 2006

3 Month Anniversary!

Well, today is our 3 month anniversary for our LID! Hopefully this means that we are 1/4 of the way to getting that picture of our beautiful little Emma! Now, I am not counting on 12 months at this point but I sure am praying for it. I have to say the first 3 months haven't been too bad. We have been keeping so busy that the time is going by pretty quickly.

Speaking of referral, anyone with a LID of 6/16-6/28/05 got their referral this week. I had such a good time checking out all of the little China dolls and reading the blogs. I am a little behind on posting all this but for those of you who are not as familiar with the China adoption world 12 days worth of referrals is a good thing. We are just hoping that all of July will be sent out in July (that will help keep our referral at 12 months. I guess we will just have to wait until next month to find out.

Now, Lisa has been asking what I have been doing to lose my weight so here goes. I am not technically doing Weight Watchers but I am trying to use their point system to some degree. I don't follow it to a T but I am staying close to my 22 points a day. I am so suprised at how easy it is. I have had plenty to eat and feel very satisfied. My sister read that you should drink a glass of green tea every morning, so I am trying that too. Lastly I have been walking with Mike 4 days a week 1-2 miles each time. I guess it is a combination of all of this but like I said my motivation is The Great Wall and my precious Emma. I sure don't want her to have a "Big Momma"!

1 comment:

Dawn and Dale said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Our little girls in China and the Great Wall are the BEST modivators you can get hey??? ;)