Saturday, June 24, 2006

Something to think about

Today was my Saturday to work at the hospital and of course it was a busy day. I had to big cases so I headed out the door at 5:15am this morning. Way to early if you ask me! Anyway the day was going really well when I had one of those moments I thought I should post here about. We had just finished up a surgery when I started hearing a baby cry. I stopped dead in my tracks and just listened. Now I know there are no babies in the OR so it was one of those moments when your heart just sank. Was this a sign? Was I just delirious from lack of sleep? Who knows, but I thought I should post about it here. You never know. I always sit and wonder if Emma is born yet or when will she be born. It is possible that she could have been born today. Once again, who knows but it sure gives me something to think about!

I haven't downloaded my pictures I took from Friday so I will post more about this tomorrow. Thursday night Mike and I keep the Griffin kiddo's since Tommi and Steve headed to beach for a 10 year anniversary weekend (by the way, Happy Anniversary!). We went out to eat and to see Car's. We had a wonderful time, even our little dazzlers joined us for the movie and then Charlee and Chase spent the night with us. Boy did we have a house full! We couldn't have enjoyed it more. I'll post some pictures tomorrow!


Lisa and Tate said...

I really believe you felt (heard) Emma!!! I had a real similiar experience that I plan on blogging about on the anniversary of the happening... This journey is not just a way to become parents... it is a spiritual journey and a way that God will bless us with children in our lives....


Ava's family said...

I agree with Lisa, I bet it was Emma! It's good you posted about it so you can see if the date means something someday.

Anonymous said...

Kimmie, when you told me yesterday I wanted to cry!! What if your little Emma was born on this day!!! God wanted you to know your baby is waiting for you!!! I love you so much,
Dee Anna