Then on Friday we headed up to Indianapolis to watch one of my Dazzlers in the State Dance Team Competition. We had a wonderful time. When we got up to Indy the hotel had run short on rooms so we ended up with an amazing suite. Too bad we weren't there very long because the room was great. It was a suite with a board room attached so we enjoyed dinner in the boardroom. We got up early and got over to the gym as Charlee had to compete at 8:30am. They did an incredible job and came in 2nd out of 25 teams. We were all so proud of her. Way to go Charlee!
Charlee and Stevie. Stevie made the trip with us to root on her big cousin.
All tuckered out. Dancing is hard work!
Way to go Dazzlers!
Thanks for taking Stevie with you guys to Indy! She had a blast and was lovin being spoiled!!!! Way to go Miss Charlee Lyn!!! State Runner-Ups!!!!!!!!
I love the car photo!!! WHERE IS MIKE IN THE BOARD ROOM!!!!
Dee Anna
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