I hadn't had time to post but I wanted to make sure I posted this some place that I would remember. Saturday night I had a dream about Emma! Now I haven't had any very vivid dreams about our adoption, so I was very excited when I woke up. Now it was nothing big but this is what I remember. Mike and I had just got Emma and we went straight to see my Mom and Dad. Emma was sitting on my lap on the floor. She had the cutest round little face with a bob haircut. I could just picture her dark hair and eyes with that amazingly cute smile. Anyway, she was sitting on my lap and I was telling her that that was her Nana and Papa and she was able to repeat their names. I couldn't believe how smart she was. That was it! I woke up with such a peaceful feeling. I wonder if this means anything? I hope it doesn't mean that we will have to wait until next March to get our sweet Emma!
Speaking of that I saw that referrals came out today for Oct 13-Oct 24. I should have never looked! At this pace it may be a reality that Emma won't be here until next March or maybe later.
I have dreams all the time about my son and the day we will get him.
I was so disappointed in the referrals for this month. I was hoping so much for a speed up in things!!!
What a wonderful dream. Didn't you just want to lay there in your bed and enjoy the moment.....
I am a half full glass kind of gal, and I just feel that things will speed up and we will start to see the precious faces of Tate and Emma in the FALL!!!
Lisa and Mesa (who is whining at my feet to get off the computer and put her to bed!!!)
That is a wonderful dream! I am sure it is warmed your heart.
Def. needed the warming after the referral news. Sigh...
Keep smilin!
I loved your dream, I cant wait for it to be a reality!!! I am so excited to see my new neice for the first time!!! I cant wait for that empty void in your heart to be filled!!! AND TO SEE YOU SMILE AGAIN!!!
Dee Anna
Hang onto your hope, you know that Oct and November were monster months! I still believe in a speed-up after we finish those months...Hang obto your sweet dream, it WILL happen! Jan
What a wonderful dream! I asked Jeff today, "How does spring time in China sound to you?" I have given up all hope of traveling next winter.....
I loved reading about your dream. Dreams do come true!!! It reminded me of something that happened to me. One night while praying for our child that we were waiting so long for, a vision of a little brown haired girl came into my mind. I could see her so plain. The vision didn't last but a second but I just couldn't forget that little face. And a few months later we brought home our little brown haired girl.
I know God was giving me a thread of hope to hold on to. Just keep holding on to your dreams and they will come true.
The last dream I had was for someone else and she got her referral 3 days later....her LID was wayyyy after mine. Go figure. I did blog it, I just didn't think it would mean anything. So you never know what your dreams may lead to.
I agree, seeing the new referals is bittersweet. I love looking at them but it makes my heart ache.
Congrats on clearing the review room!!! You right there with me SISTAH, on the shelf waiting for our referrals!!!
Lisa and Mesa
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