Thursday, August 02, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I know I have said it several times this summer but man, I am such a slacker! I was sitting here thinking back to last fall and thinking about how much time I spent on the computer and about all the times I posted. These days I don't even have the time to check my favorite blogs. The funny thing is that when I check in on all of my favorite blogs and see that they too must be so busy that they don't have time to blog, I get bummed. I miss seeing all the posts! So tonight as I was checking out the new babies (more about that in a minute!) I thought to myself, I should be mad at myself. I haven't posted in weeks. Of course I already know what's up in my life so I assume (you know what that does for me) that you know what's up with me too (sorry). So here is my update...

1. Baby update - Referrals are coming in today! I love this time of the month and I hate this time of the month! This month the referrals go until November 21, 2006. Congratulations to all of those who are getting their precious little ones this month. While I know it is still 4 months and 8 days away from our date it is one tiny step toward Emma. I just keep hoping and praying that once November is done that things will speed up. Anyone have any thoughts on this one?

2. I want to thank my secret pal again for the wonderful gifts she sent us last month. I promise to get picture posted soon. I just haven't got to get the pictures on the computer. You won't believe these wonderful gifts.

3. Last weekend I took a girls trip up to South Bend, IN to visit a wonderful friend that I have known since I was little. Holly, Beth, and Amy went with me. We had such a wonderful time just hanging out, eating waaaay to much and playing with Jenny's adorable kids. Oh, and while we were there I got a glimpse at Jenny's neighbors daughter (yes, you got it! She is from China!!!) Once again I will have to post some pictures.

4. Yesterday, my good friend Leslie and her husband Larry left for China to get Lily. Click on her link if you would like to follow her journey. I can't wait until Lily is home safe and sound! Congratulations Leslie and Larry!

5. On our way to South Bend I got some sad news. Katrina, my family advocate at AHH, called to let me know she is leaving AHH. While I am so excited for her new adventures she is heading off for Mike and I are so sad to see her go. Katrina has been wonderful for us and has been here for us from the start. Who would have thought that she wouldn't have been here to see Emma come home. When we first talked with her in Oct. of 2005 we thought we would have Emma home by the fall of 2006 and here we are still waiting! Katrina, I just want you to know how much your help and support has meant to us. Thank you for everything!

6. On July 29th we celebrated our 16 month LID Anniversary. How many more are we going to have. The wait right now is at 21 months and rising quickly!

7. On August 9th Mike and I will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary. I kept thinking that our trip to China would be the most amazing gift we could give each other but now it looks like it will be our 11 year anniversary gift, which by the way is right around the Olympics. I sure hope we go before then.

8. We got our paperwork back from INS so we are good for another 18 months. I hope we will not be redoing that one!

So for those of you who haven't been posting, what have you been up to? Until next time...

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