This week has turned out to be very hectic but a lot less stressful than last week. I know I told you last week about the house situation and the home study problem. Well, we made an offer on a house last week and last night finally got the word that we came to an agreement and we have a home. We now have an address and can start the update on the home study. I really like the house but it has a lot of work to be done on it.
Friday night was Chase's last regular season game. While the team didn't play very well I have to say that Chase played with all his heart. He had an 83 yard kickoff return for a TD! Tomorrow night is the first game of the playoffs. Good luck Chase!
Sunday was a big day for Gage! First off, it was his birthday. Happy Birthday Gage! The whole family went over to the high school to see the big production of Peter Pan. The play was fabulous! Gage played the part of Curly, one of the lost boys. He had lots of lines and even sang. One day we may be seeing our little actor on Broadway. Below is a picture of Gage in costume. Way to go Gage, we are all so proud of you!

About six months into our adoption process I was wondering around
Toys@us buying things for Emma (something I did quite often) when I was approached by one a store employee. She was a sweet older lady. She wanted to sign up my kids for the birthday club. I proceeded to tell her that we didn't have any kids but that we were in the process of adopting from China. She didn't really understand the process and wanted to know what Emma's birth date was. I decided to just throw a date out so she would be happy. I told her the date was November 11th. (did you notice the 11/11, my # that always pops up) Last week as I was going through the mail I came across this ...

It is a birthday coupon for Emma. When I saw it I laughed remembering the conversation with the clerk but also became a little sad thinking how long ago that had been. Here I sit 3 years later still wondering when Emma's birthday is. I often wonder if she has been born or not. Who knows, she may have a November birthday! With the tiny batch this month (Feb 16th and 17th) I have no guesses on how much longer we will wait to see Emma's face. I had so hoped to at least stay with the 5 day batches. That would have put us 8-9 months out, now who knows. With Feb 18th and 19th being a weekend I at least hope we come out with a 4 day batch. Please, please be more than that.
Wow... congrats on the house!!! I know about houses needing tons of work... one way to make it your own. Post pictures would ya please?
Were so excited that your back in LA! The girls love the fact that your so close to there favorite mall! How cook was your post on 11/11 we stoped at 11:11 on 11/11 and made a wish, I had remembered that you kept seeing that date in your dreams! MAYBE!!! Could it be Emma was just born! I DO BELIEVE IN FARIES!!!!
Love you so much
Dee Anna
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