Friday, January 09, 2009

January 9th (YIKES!)

How could it possibly be January 9th? Where has the time gone? So much has happened since I last posted so I will try to do a quick recap, so for this I will use the faithful bullets...
  • December started with closing on our house Dec. 1. This was very important as we needed to complete our home study update that was to expire Jan. 7th and without a place to call home it wasn't going to happen!
  • The first week was full of demolition on the house. The house we bought is a nice ranch but the little man that lived there was 85 years young and had lived in house since it was built (very, did I say very, out dated!)
  • During this same week I finished up our home study papers only to find out our agency added that we needed a letter from the VET saying Jack was up to date on his shots and that he was a safe dog. So a few phone calls later and a trip to the Vet office I sent in my last paper.
  • December 10th brought a very special birthday. Chase turned 18 (how did that happen?). Now I have gotten grief from the the rest of the Martin gang that I had to much stuff about Chase on here so I hope they aren't reading this post!!! (sorry, it's still about Chase!)
  • Did I mention that I was doing a lot of shopping! I tried to boost the economy, believe me I did my share of shopping and spending.
  • On the 17th we did our home visit with our home study agency. It was a little different. Since we started the adoption process in 2004 when we decided to go to Ukraine we had always had Amber as our advocate but she left earlier in the year and so Rhonda was assigned our case. It was a little wierd since she came to the house and I had to set up a card table in the so called kitchen for her to sit at. It's hard to scrub and clean the house when it's just a shell. She was so nice about the mess and was in and out in less than an hour.
  • I think I forgot to tell you how busy work had been. WORK, WORK, WORK! Every December we earn our money as everyone wants to have surgery before the end of the year. This year was no exception as I spent many late nights operating with my favorite docs.
  • Christmas week came and once again I was shopping again. I also was pulling down a lot and I mean a lot of wallpaper! Note to self: NEVER PUT UP WALLPAPER!
  • Christmas was wonderful except for my Christmas morning fall. I slipped on a sheet of ice and cracked my head. 2 weeks later and my head is still hurting!
  • We spent Christmas morning at Mike's parents and had such a good time watching the kids open their gifts. Of course we had his Mom's famous breakfast! (I wonder how many calories it had in it)
  • The afternoon and night was spent with my family. I loved every moment of playing with the kids and watching their faces light up with excitement over their gifts. It has become a bit of a tradition to spend the night at my parents on Christmas night so the house was full (I believe their was 17 of us and 3 doggies!)
  • The ONLY thing that would have made the holidays better would have been to have Emma home with us. How many years have I said that? This year it's going to happen!
  • On Dec. 29th (my PaPa's birthday) we celebrated (well, acknowledged) our 33 month LID anniversary.
  • On Dec. 30th my Mom had surgery. She had some places removed from her head that they thought were cancerous but thanks to God they were benign! She did great as all my friends were working on her. Thanks guys!
  • No big New Years celebration as I worked 7-7 New Years Eve and then was on call that night and all day on New Years day (had to go in and work for part of it, oh well, job security)
  • Back a step to a special batch of referrals! A batch came out before the end of the year that went from Feb. 24- Feb. 28th. The reason for it being special to us is that Feb is finally done which means we are now to MARCH 2006! Now I know we are at the very end of the month but we are still at the month and a lot of my fellow bloggy friends are coming up very soon! I can't wait to see all their precious faces, so come on Tate, I can't wait to see the look on your Mommy's face when that stork arrives. The last two months have brought referrals to many of those I have been following. I really makes things seem real!
  • January 2nd, 2009 was my Mom's birthday! Happy belated b-day Mom! We are having a special girls weekend and celebrating this weekend. Tommi, DeeAnna, and I are taking Mom to Nashville to the Grand Ole Opry tomorrow. I am so looking forward to spending time with my Mom and sisters.
  • The beginning of January also brought panic to my life. On Dec. 30th I emailed my agency and home study agency to make sure our update went in since I hadn't heard anything. Of course that was the day of Mom's surgery and I worked late that night I didn't check my email until very late. Here becomes the problem. The home study agency said they faxed the home study to the agency for approval so they could send it in on the 29th. Our family advocate said she didn't get it but maybe the home study coordinator did. Okay, not a big deal except that both agencies were closed from Dec. 31 - Jan 5th! Did I tell you our paperwork expires Jan 7th! So I sent emails and made phone calls but of course there was no one to talk to as everyone was closed. So I spent the week panicing! I made a plan for Mike to take care of on Monday, Jan. 5th since I would be in surgery all day and wouldn't be able to make any phone calls. It turns out our file was sitting at the agency and no one had looked at it. The family advocate was off but sent Mike an email that she would get them to fax it to her and she would take care of it that night (hello, it's Jan 5th). Our home study agency said they would make sure it was in no matter what. It turns out she didn't look over it until that night and sent it to our h.s. agency at almost 11pm for some changes. As it stands I was told it was mailed overnight and I am just praying it was in the right office on the 7th! Please pray that all went well or we will be redoing a lot of stuff in order to switch to the I-800. I'll keep you posted.
  • This week Chase had his football banquet and received some wonderful awards. I will do a special post on it with pictures of the awards! Way to go Chase!
  • Now here I sit on Jan. 9th realizing that even though the rush of the holidays are over I have so much to do to get ready for Emma. It will still be about a month before the house is ready but I have a lot of painting and decorating and moving to do. I also have to do my family credits for the adoption. In KY we are required to complete certain classes (Abroad and Back, Medical Risks, CPR and 10 family credit hours). We had started on them but in 2006 they said that they might make it where they are only good for 1 year so we put it off but now I feel that we need to move on this.
  • So now that we have waited for over 3 years since we started this journey for Emma I sit back and laugh thinking while it seems like it has been forever, where actually has the time gone and why I am no more prepared for her than I was 3 years ago?

So now that I gave you the very long update on our world for the last month, what's been going on with you? I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday (sorry no Christmas cards were sent) and I am so excited to see all of your precious little ones faces in 2009! Please let everything go as planned and make this our year! Happy New Year everyone!


Lisa and Tate said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This year is the year of Tate and Emma!!!

I'm in tears right now with your sweet words and love about Tate. It has been a long wait!!! But crap... I feel like I am in a crunch for getting things done now that Tate is getting so close.

Wallpaper... I am in need of taking it off of my bathroom walls. Sadly, I was the one who put it up 15 yrs ago...

Glad you updated, I think about you often!

Unknown said...

sounds like you have a very busy year!!!!!

The Tracy's said...

I'm so excited for you guys that China is finally is in March '06! We are with the same agency. Hope you don't have to wait much longer.

LID 10.11.06

Leslie said...

WoW Kim...that's a great update. I can't believe all you have going on right now, and finally in your month for referrals. I can't believe it's been 3 years either.
If there is anything I can do to help you get ready, please let me know.

How about a new blog design? That's something I can do for you!!!!! Let me know if that's something you would want.

I love that you will be living so close to my mom. Don't think I won't be stopping by. You've already told me where your new house is at, and now I have a picture of your house...I'm all set for some "Emma time".

Emma in 2009....Yeah!!!

Chrissie said...

Great to read an update from you. I am so hoping and praying for the Marching Pandas!

Yeah! I just know things will speed up and before you know it, we'll be looking at a picture of Emma. Can't wait...