Rumors are finally starting to surface. It's about time. With the referrals coming mid-month the last 2 batches it is confusing to figure out when they are coming. So every day I get on the computer to check in with the
RQ to see if there is any news but lately there has been NADA! Well this week at work has been chaos, 43 hours of work in just 3 days. This left no computer time for me. So last night I get a call from my sister to fill me in on the latest rumors (my family and friends stalk these sites more than I do!). Anyway, the rumors are saying that matching is complete and that the cut-off is March 20th. Now I was hoping to at least get through the 21st as it is a big day but it doesn't look promising. I am excited though to know that we are possibly 6 days closer. This means we are now in the SINGLE DIGITS! Nine days standing between us and our referral. Seven actual LID days and 2 days for the weekend. So this is what I am thinking. If I am being realistic it would mean that in July there will be a 2 day batch (21-22), in August a 4 day batch (23-26), Sept a 2 day batch (27-28), which would mean that October would be the month! If I continue to dream then July would have a 6 day batch also (21-26) and then we would get our referral in August just in time for my birthday! Anyway you look at it we should be seeing Emma's face in the next 5 months!
I can't believe we are in single digits!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see Emma's beautiful face!
Let's go to China!!! I know you and Mike are ready. It is getting close. Emma is waiting for you.
Linda Smith
Can you believe this, Its almost time, I DO BELIEVE!!!!
Aunt Dee Dee
WOW!!! This gave me CHILLS to read how close you are! SOOOOOO freaking exciting! I am still hoping they will do more days each month!
Tate is enjoying all the amazing stuff she has gotten from her secret pal. Everytime I use something you gave, I think of you and cannot thank you enough!
I am so excited for you!! Only 9 days to go! There will be rejoicing down here in Alabama when you see Emma's face in just a few months. Just a little advice...anything you want to get down around the house, do it now. I didn't believe it but the time between referral and travel really DOES fly by.
We are getting so close now! I can't wait! The baby that has been in your heart for so long is finally going to be in your arms. Love you!
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