As I told you in my last post we sent Emma a care package this week.
We used Ann at Red Thread China.
I had already posted the picture she sent us but I really like seeing at the top of the blog so I wanted to put it there again!
It included: a photo book with 8 pictures, a musical bear, a book, candy
and tea for the caregivers, a disposable camera (we hope the caregivers will
take pictures of Emma and the orphanage for us), and a letter that we wrote along with
questions that we hope will get answered. Thank you Ann, we can't wait
for Emma to get it!

.....and we can't wait for Kim and Mike to get Emma !!
You know what? I like seeing Emma's picture at the top of the page too! She is so cute. She is going to love getting that package from her mommy and daddy. How great that they can share those things with her and show her your picture and tell her "this is your mommy and daddy!" Have you gotten a firm travel date yet?
The care package you sent is so special. I love you included photos of you and Mike, she can look at them everyday and know who her mommy & daddy are!!! I sure hope they use the camera to send you awesome pictures and can't wait for you to share them with all of us!!!! Love you, Trish
She is SO cute! Look at her lips! I'm sure you just can't wait to kiss them! What a sweet girl you have!
Yeah!! We used Ann too!!! Can't wait to hear when you travel!!!!!
Emma, Mommy and daddy are comming!!!
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