Okay Lisa! I am always up for a challange so when I got home tonight I headed to the kitchen for some photos. Mike couldn't believe I could take pictures of the pantry and fridge before cleaning them but oh well. Here we go... As you can see above (since I can never get the photos to go on right!) My fridge has more condiments than food. Mike did put some pork chops in to marinade. Of course if you notice in the freezer there are a ton of Weight Watchers meals and ice cream. I have to have something to eat during all of this dieting. The pantry is a mess! I try to clean it out every couple of weeks but somehow it always ends up a mess again. So there you go Lisa. Now I must tag someone and I tag.....Kim and Catherine. Well, gotta go clean up the pantry!
It looks like you love those 100 calorie snacks like me!!! If only I could eat one bag and not five!!=)
So organized and chock full of food!!! Note to self... Must go to store and buy food for fridge!!!
I think I might becoming over your house this weekend! oh and tell michael thanks for me but The computer's got a problem again!
-Courtney Blair
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