It's Saturday night and we just got home of a full day of running. We got up early and went out to breakfast before heading to the doctors. Don't worry, no one is sick. We were just going to get our physical home study update. We had to have a letter from our doctor stating that we are still in good health. Dr. J just laughed as this is his 3rd update for us. We were then off to the Christmas craft fair at Butler. I was a little disappointed as I didn't find a bunch of trees to bid on this year. Last year I got two (I put pictures of them on my Babyjellybeans site last year but I'll put one here when I get a chance). We then went out to the mall, Qdoba and the Kramer's. By the time we pulled into the drive it was 9:15pm! While I was getting the packages out of the car Mike went to turn on all the Christmas lights. As he rounded the corner he was holding a BIG box. Boxes, two days in a row!!!! Oh, the mail lady even put this one on the porch. I'm sure she wasn't happy having to get out of the car in the cold. I'll have to take back being mad at her yesterday and make a mental note to get her a Christmas gift! Anyway the package is from my Feb. Secret Pal!! You wouldn't believe how excited I was to open the box (which had ladybugs on it). I know, I get a box every month but this one is different! This one will reveal my PAL!! I yelled for Mike to grab the scissors and we ripped into the box! This is what we saw inside....
The letter gave us some ground rules. RULES, I HATE RULES!!! But guess what we will follow them. Inside is twelve presents. Each one has the cutest label on them. It reads: "On the first day of the reveal my secret pal gave to me..." There is one for 12 days!!

Here is a picture of all 12 gifts in Emma's bed. We thought we would put them in her room instead of under the tree. I'm not sure when our pal wanted us to start opening them but we assumed that we should start on the 14th so that we would open the last gift on Christmas. That means we have to wait 12 days before we start opening them. Anyone who knows me knows that I love suprises so we will be good and open the gifts as instructed. By the way, the reveal is in the red bag which will be opened on Dec. 25th. Now, is everyone as excited to find out who my wonderful pal is? Well, I guess you will have to wait until Christmas!!!
To my Feb Secret Pal: I want to thank you in advance for all of the wonderful gifts and cards you have sent us. We have enjoyed each and everyone of them. You have been so wonderful to us and I hope one day soon I will have the chance to meet you. Stay tuned for all my gift reveals!
What a creative and thoughtful pal you have!
Kim and Mike... Start opening them today!!! This is the REVEAL guys!!! Actually open gift one and two today for Saturday and Sunday. I wanted it to be seperate from Christmas.... the REVEAL!!!
Your Feb Secret Pal
What a fun SP! Who could it be???? I can't wait until the REVEAL!!!
What a great idea!!! Love it!! Love it!!
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