Sorry I have been MIA but last weeks news really had me down. When I started hearing the rumors that they were only referring 2 days I thought NO WAY, something must be wrong. Well, as we know, it happened. I felt really numb. For the first time I thought that this adoption really wasn't going to happen. I decided that I needed to take a few days to regroup. I stayed away from the posts, RQ, and I even shut the door to Emma's room so I didn't have to look at it. You know what, it really did help. I needed the break to get my life back in order. I had become way to consumed with the wait. I have to say that I have a new attitude! There are so many things that I should be doing and places I should be going. We have put our life's on hold for way to long. Yes, we are still anxiously awaiting the time when we get to see Emma's face for the first time, the first time we hold her and our life with her but we have to remember it will happen just not as fast as we would like. You would think that by now I would have more patience after all these years of waiting. So, I have had time to take a break and now I am ready to enjoy the rest of our time while we wait on Emma. I know she will be worth every minute!