Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Passed me right by!

Boy are we spoiled rotten!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Where does the time go?
The week before last Mike and I took a few days off and headed to Gatlinburg. We had such a great time relaxing in our cabin, checking out the moutains and doing a lot of hiking. It was a much needed rest. The picture below is a view from our chalet. It was so peaceful up there and I sure enjoyed the time with Mike.
I took this picture while Mike and I were on a hike. The weather was beautiful so we decided to stop and play in the Little Pigeon River.
We got home on Monday night and then on Wednesday morning I flew up to Conn. for work. Terri and I had to do a special training course at US Surgical. We got in early Wed. so we took the train up to New York to do some shopping. This was my first time in New York so I really enjoyed the sites. The picture below is from Time Square. We had a great time in the city and then it was off to training for Thursday and Friday. It was a interesting trip and I really enjoyed meeting such wonderful people from all over. We were suppose to fly in Friday night but our flight out of Conn was delayed which caused us to miss our connecting flight in Pittsburg so we had to spend the night there and fly out early Sat morning to Atlanta and then finally home to Louisville. By the time we got home I was exhausted and of course the airline lost our luggage. They found it in North Carolina?! The delivery man decided to bring it to us at 1:30AM!
So here it is Monday night and it is back to work tomorrow (yuck!). I am yet to have gotten to check up on everyone. When I got home on Saturday I had 3 packages waiting from my book pals and my secret pal. Tomorrow night I will show you all the wonderful things that I got. For tonight I am off to snuggle up with my wonderful husband! Talk to you tomorrow!!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
As I sit here I can think of so many things I would like to talk about and share with you, my bloggy family and friends. The past month has been filled with sorrow and stress but there has been a little joy along the way. We did celebrate 3 special birthdays: Charlee (April 14th), Corbyn (April 27th) and the birth of our newest nephew, Logan Michael, on May 2nd (congrats to Shelley and Mike). We survived another LID Anniversary, the big 13! Things were so crazy that the day came and went (I did remember it but it didn't make me sad this time).
I wanted to share this picture of Mike and I with 7 of our nieces and nephews (taken on Easter). It made me smile thinking about how each one has touched our lives in so many ways.