I mentioned previously that I had a dream that referrals came early and they went from March 7 - March 27 (now like I said it was a dream!). I know that this is not a possibility at all but it was a pretty sweet dream. I know it still wouldn't make us get our referral but it would make sure that so many special people would get their precious daughters. Now for reality I really only expect ONE day, ONE huge day! That still would mean that Lisa and Tracy
would get to see their beautiful daughters. Now of course I had to check in with RQ
this weekend and see the latest batch of rumors. Now mind you, I try not to pay to much attention to the rumors as it always seems to just disappointment at the end of the month but it's almost like playing the lottery when you buy that ticket and have hopes and dreams about winning until they draw those numbers and you have to come back to reality. Well, we keep hearing about speed ups (after 3 years a speed up! Right). I know those speed ups will come when we get to April 1, 2006. So for the early rumors this month, if you don't want to see it please stop reading now! Okay, I warned you!
Multiple agency's are reporting that the next couple of months are going to be bigger than what we expect (now remember we only expect ONE BIG DAY). They seem to think that the Winter 2008 case is more in line, which would mean that at the end of the month they should get to March 13 and at the end of April they should get to March 20th. If that stays in line with the next few batches it would make us have a end of July referral.
If you have never seen this chart it is a projection table on the RQ site predicting LID referrals based on what has been going on.

Now, as much as I would love to see the referrals get to March 13, 2006, I am not going to bite. I am going to stay with my original thoughts that March 7, 2006 will be the cut off day. That way if they get even one more day worth of referrals it will be like winning the lottery!
ohhhhh, come on. You know you want to!
I'm TOTALLY jumping on the ride, but I can understand why you might want to sit this one out. I figure this....If it's true and I get in this month WHOO-HOO!.....If it's not true and I don't, then I get in NEXT month....WHOO-HOO!
I don't want to miss out on what *could* be my final ride. I WILL save you a seat, if you change your mind! =)
Strap on your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy and exciting ride!!!
I am working on shower post... pictures too.
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