Sunday, February 25, 2007
It's a sign
What a week!
Then on Friday we headed up to Indianapolis to watch one of my Dazzlers in the State Dance Team Competition. We had a wonderful time. When we got up to Indy the hotel had run short on rooms so we ended up with an amazing suite. Too bad we weren't there very long because the room was great. It was a suite with a board room attached so we enjoyed dinner in the boardroom. We got up early and got over to the gym as Charlee had to compete at 8:30am. They did an incredible job and came in 2nd out of 25 teams. We were all so proud of her. Way to go Charlee!
Charlee and Stevie. Stevie made the trip with us to root on her big cousin.
All tuckered out. Dancing is hard work!
Way to go Dazzlers!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Look what came, WOW!
This is a shot of everything! Look at all of these cute things for Emma (and US!) We loved it!
I was so excited about this book. I had bought one for my secret pal Lisa a few months back and kept thinking that I should go back and get one for Emma. I loved it and thought Emma should have it too. Now Mike won't get mad at me for buying more stuff! How did you know I wanted this?!!!
Next, we got some mealtime accessories: a skid proof plate, sippy cup, and cool little stick on bibs!
For ME, a make-up bag and an alarm clock/caculator for our trip. I'll share the clock with Mike. I will definately put these in our stack to take to China!
Check out these cute critters! They are actually wash animals. I know Emma will love these. She may have to share them with her daddy. Jack thinks they should be for him and he just keeps sitting in Emma's room crying for them. My last picture didn't attach but it was the cutest ladybug, bunny and a learning bug (see the 1st picture). I love educational toys. I can't believe all of these wonderful gifts our pal sent. Thank you so much Secret Pal. You sure made our weekend. You are incredible!!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
No 29!
Well, tomorrow starts another week. I don't think I mentioned but Mike's transmission went out on his truck a week ago so we have been carpooling all week. I thought he was getting it back today but now it won't be until mid-week. I have to say I have enjoyed having a personal driver but I do feel bad for Mike since he has to go into work with me at 5:30AM.
Friday, February 09, 2007
A Great Cause!

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Our New Secret Pal Strikes!
Friday, February 02, 2007
The Official Word