Sunday, July 30, 2006
My Poor Baby!

4 Months and a Day!
I have been reading all of these blogs and it seems like everyone is meeting. It sure makes me want to meet someone, anyone! Maybe one day I can meet some of my fellow bloggers!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Weigh In Wednesday, a day late!
We had a nice little overnight trip. I know we were working but I always have a good time spending a night away. It seems like a mini vacation. Well, we are back to reality and tomorrow is Friday. Have a good weekend!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Our new additions!

Not only do we have baby ducks but baby deers! This picture was taking this morning as they hung out in the back yard. I could just sit and watch them all day. I love seeing these momma's with their little ones and can't wait to post a picture of this momma with my little one. One can only dream for now!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
It's Mealtime!

Here is a look inside the box as I opened it. We were really getting excited now! And then...
Mike and I pulled out the items one by one. Look at all these goodies. We got Bibsters and tray covers (both are wonderful inventions). All my friends talk about theses! Then we got a dishwasher basket for bottles and lids and a bottle brush. Check out the cute spoons that change colors when the food is too hot and last but not least, the Tide on the go pen! Mike has been wanting to buy this but he promised he would save this one for Emma. Our pal must know how I always spill things on me when I am eating and thinks our little princess will do the same (just joking!) We all know Emma is going to be perfect! Thank you so much secret pal. We love everything and can't wait to use every item. I love the card and your messages too!
Now I know today is Thursday and I missed my Wednesday post but hey things are busy around here! Work has wore me out this week so last night I just took it easy. Anyway, if you checked in for my weigh in, here goes! I lost 1 lb! Now, don't get too excited. I had gained .5lb last week so this just puts me down .5lb. I'm not complaining. I am now up to 14 lbs!
Today I took a little side trip with DeeAnna to go pick up Charlee from dance camp. We got to see her compete today and she did awesome. Way to go Charlee! The camp was up at UK. She went from Monday to Thursday and now Courtney is there for her dance camp until Sunday. Tonight we went for our walk. It has been so hot this week that we didn't get out much so tonight we backed the walk off to 1.5 mile. Well, that's all I have been up too, what about you??
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Ladybug Sighting's and My Pal!

Today when I got the mail I had a package from my Feb Secret Pal. I ripped it open and look what I got! Isn't it the cutest thing ever, a ladybug magnet. That was the sweetest thing. I can't believe how thoughtful my pal is. It had been such a busy and hectic day and a ladybug sighting was exactly what I needed. Thank you so much Feb. Secret Pal, I love it! You sure know how to make me smile.
Yes, it is also Wednesday. My last day of the week, sorta. I am doing a favor for a friend at work and taking her call on Friday. It is a busy day but if I do get called in, I at least make good money for it. Today is also Weigh In Wednesday. Disappointingly I gained .5lb. Not good but not too bad. I'll have to try a little harder this week. I do have to shout out a big "atta girl" to Lisa, she lost 5lbs. in the last 2 weeks! Thanks for keeping me motivated girls. Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
Monday, July 10, 2006
I've been tagged!

Okay Lisa! I am always up for a challange so when I got home tonight I headed to the kitchen for some photos. Mike couldn't believe I could take pictures of the pantry and fridge before cleaning them but oh well. Here we go... As you can see above (since I can never get the photos to go on right!) My fridge has more condiments than food. Mike did put some pork chops in to marinade. Of course if you notice in the freezer there are a ton of Weight Watchers meals and ice cream. I have to have something to eat during all of this dieting. The pantry is a mess! I try to clean it out every couple of weeks but somehow it always ends up a mess again. So there you go Lisa. Now I must tag someone and I tag.....Kim and Catherine. Well, gotta go clean up the pantry!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
A relaxing weekend
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
It's Wednesday Already?!
Now on to more important things like Weigh In Wednesday. I have to say that I was very nervous about the weigh in today as I didn't behave as well as I should have this week. I really did try but sometimes you just can't help yourself. I am excited to report that I have some good news. I lost 1.5lbs. I was happy (to say the least). This brings my total to 13.5lbs! That's all for WIW this week. I'll update you next Wednesday!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thinking about my boys!

Today I was thinking about our time in Ukraine and my mind started thinking about the wonderful boys who touched my life. For those of you who don't know me well, in Jan 05 we traveled to Ukraine to adopt a child. The system was really changing at the time and we went through a lot of heartache. We spent 2 1/2 weeks there and came home without a child. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. For those of you who are infertile I know you understand. Mike and I have gone through 7 miscarriages, 2 surgeries, and lots of fertility treatment all of which were very hard but none affected me the way our trip to Ukraine did. For those of you not familiar with the how adoptions work in Ukraine here is how it works. You actually go to the adoption center on your appt date and go through hundreds of files of children and pick out your child. Sounds easy enough until you are sitting in the seat in front of the pyscologist and he tells you (through translation) that there are no healthy children under 5. That was what we were told as we looked through book after book. We were finally given a file of a little girl Olena. She was turning two. We were told she had a cleft palete and needed some therapy on her shoulder. We decided to go see her 4 hours away. When they brought her into us she was absolutely beautiful but appeared the size of a 3-6 month old. We were on the floor playing with her when we decided to take a look at her shoulder. As we pulled down her outfit we were presented with the most devastating sight. Olena had spinal bifida which they denied (because they didn't know what it was) we were also then told she only had one kidney. It was the hardest thing we ever did but had to turn down our referral. We spent the next two weeks in Kiev waiting to see another child which never worked out. This brings us back to the boys. We were able to spend many days at the children's hospital in Kiev with these orphan boys. When the police find a child on the streets they bring them to the hospital where they sometimes stay for up to a year. They stay in the room in the above photo and never come out. They eventually are sent to shelters or orphanages. I feel in love with these boys and would have done anything to bring them home with me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about and pray for them. In the picture above from left to right: Valladi, Mike, Andre, and Kosta. Valladi was left because his mom had too many kids to take care of, Andre and his brother were abandoned and he has a heart condition (his brother is in a shelter) and Kosta's mother left him under a bridge. I pray that one day they are able to be adopted and find a forever home. I know that they will always have a place in my heart.